Kadant Black Clawson Chemical Pulping Group Presents at TAPPI Course
Tobin Alt, vice president of Kadant’s chemical pulping group, was invited to be among the few prestigious presenters at the TAPPI Kraft Recovery Operations Course held in January in St. Petersburg, Fla. The course was conducted by leading international Kraft Recovery experts from both industry and academia, including representatives from International Paper and WestRock.
Tobin’s presentation, “Optimizing Water Usage in the Causticizing Plant”, notably covered methods for water balance for recausticizing. This is a very common problem for most pulp mills but one that very few understand how to address. Kadant and TAPPI are dedicated to educating the next generation pulp and paper producers and courses such as these are well attended.
The Kraft Recovery Operations Course is one of TAPPIs highest rated and longest running events. Designed for pulp mill operations personal, participants learn ways to improve pulp production efficiency, minimize operating costs, and reduce environmental impact.
For more information about Kadant Black Clawson, visit our website.