It has been well-documented that the distance between the condensate entrance of a syphon and the dryer shell, referred to as the syphon clearance, has considerable influence on the operational efficiency of a paper dryer. Suboptimal clearance adversely affects heat transfer capacity and the cross-machine temperature uniformity of the cylinder.
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Written by Jerry Timm
on July 09, 2014.
For the lowest cost of ownership, use genuine, qualified, original equipment parts.
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Written by Al Ives
on May 13, 2014.
Selecting filtration equipment that performs efficiently under the dynamic process conditions of paper machine white water loops can be a challenge for many papermakers. Variability in furnish, paper grades and the operating conditions of the machine, can lead to large swings in the type and amount of solids that must be removed from the white water before it can be reused in the process.
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Written by Pat Long
on March 10, 2014.
The majority of flooding incidents can be attributed to steam and condensate system issues (poor equipment sizing, incorrect system set-points and incorrect system calibration) and mechanical issues (unreliable or incorrectly installed steam joints and syphons). In this discussion, we will focus on the steam system issues that contribute to flooding.
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Written by Wayne O'Driscoll
on January 07, 2014.
At some stage during their working career, papermakers and mill engineers will have encountered at least one instance of flooded dryers in the drying section on their paper machine.
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Written by Wayne O'Driscoll
on November 26, 2013.