Liqui-Mover PumpTraps and System Engineering - Case Study
ChallengeA U.S. paper mill in the Southeast wanted to increase the air temperature in its pocket ventilating (PV) system based on recommendations included in a dryer audit conducted by Kadant Johnson. The coil manufacturer did not want responsibility for the steam and condensate system and the mill did not have personnel available to handle the systems portion of the project.
Kadant Johnson provided engineering services to design the steam and condensate system and supply the required equipment for the PV coil project.
The steam and condensate piping design and associated equipment including isolation and control valves, steam traps, and Liqui-Mover® PumpTrap systems were successfully installed and the PV coil system has been producing the heated air as designed. The system is operating as a “closed” system, meaning flash steam loss is eliminated and hotter condensate is returned to the boiler.